Yogyakarta, a city complete with tourism, culinary education and of course,,, if you're visiting keYogyakarta feels incomplete if it does not feel typical jogja own food and a variety of unique and special foods for menggoyan your tongue and satisfy your culinary tourism. Here are 5 places you can visit culinary if you are in Yogyakarta with a unique and distinctive cuisines.
1. restaurant Jejamuran
Jejamuran diner, eating house unique and different from other eating houses, restaurants, jejamuran provide versatile menu of cooking mushrooms begin to drink, eat the fungus used is Starting from the oyster mushroom, mushroom, shiitake mushroom, button mushroom, mushroom lingzhie and much more. Restaurant menu provided in this varied, ranging from satay mushroom, mushroom soup, stir-stir mushrooms, spiced mushrooms, mushroom jerked and many more menus on offer, from the spicy mushroom processed until the sweet, from the dry to the fry, of which burned to the fried you can enjoy this direstoran. Ranging from Rp.4.000 to thousands dollars, you can choose the menu that suits your taste. Besides eating at home you will be given the knowledge of mushroom cultivation as well as usability and benefits for our body, there is also fresh mushrooms that you can make a gift to the family home.
2. restaurant Sabar Menanti
The diner who has keisitimewaan with each menu that will shake up your tongue, but you should try if coming home is eating catfish and pecel pecel menu plus trancam fresh vegetables. Pecel a favorite catfish and mantab because chili is so powerful combined with the delicious catfish are still warm, chili so delicious with the aroma and the delicious smell of shrimp paste makes sauce so extraordinary mantabnya. For pecel vegetables, fresh vegetables made from papaya leaves primary gives its own pleasure, most people thought the papaya leaves bitter and not suitable to be consumed but not at home patiently waiting for this meal, papaya leaves transformed into a tasty vegetable with no bitterness at all, while for threatened itself is a mix of vegetables, sprouts and raw grated coconut, mix of all provide freshness when we chew. Accompanied by typical drinks java ice cendol with green grass jelly of course that will refresh and cool the throat after pecel feel deliciously spicy catfish.
3. Gudeg Jogja di Kampung Wijilan
Who does not know the typical cuisine of the city of Jogja "Gudeg Jogja", culinary icon and identity to the city of Yogyakarta, with all kelezatanya cuisine can be found throughout the village Wijilan, which is the first time kampong recipes and gudeg jogja made. Gudeg Jogja-based Gori or young jackfruit, which steamed about 24 hours in a very hot temperature to evaporate the liquid. Jogja Gudeg different from the others because it does not Gudeg fry, dry gudeg colored reddish brown with a sweet and savory flavor. Gudeg Jogja you can enjoy a variety of dishes, ranging from chicken meat and eggs are boiled and dipindang until brown, combined with spicy flavors derived from a combination of tempeh and sauce makes this warm krecek has a sweet spicy flavor that can make your tongue sway .
4. restaurantRaminten
Unique, versatile cheap, traditional and special course that's what you'll find on Raminten, unique cuisines and a variety of cuisine from traditional to modern in this Raminten, ranging from rice cat, a simple rice with side dishes and dried anchovy sambal is very tasty and inexpensive, the delicious sauce and dried anchovies will make you addicted to try again and again, the more delicious with fried diitambah mendowan and bakwan, mendowan itself is fried tempe with flour, savory and fitting mantab that picture. There are a variety of menus that may be unfamiliar and may make you wonder as Raminten these dishes at home, like, virgin ice milk, ice purworukmi, ice elephant nddekem, cunduk raminte koteka chicken, cheese crickets, satellite and many more menu unique and special that you can find here of course with a special flavor.
5. Bakmi Kadin
Java Bakim kadin is no doubt delicacy, banyakk outsiders, of Jakarta, Semarang, Surabaya mapun come to this kadin Java meinkmati noodle. Kadin noodle is famous among culinary tours, even a favorite place of former Indonesian President Mr. Soeharto if it was in Yogyakarta. Every day Javanese noodles kadin able to spend 500 servings of noodles Java and growing customers every day. As with most Java noodles, noodles kadin Java using the main ingredient of noodles, chicken, cabbage, onions, fried duck egg, tomatoes, scallions and kekian, which makes it unique is ripening using charcoal, charcoal making noodles distinctive smell has a distinctive smell of fuel . Gurihnya increased with the duck eggs in a thick sauce. Mixture of ingredients and spices that fit makes these noodles are delicious and sweet to eat. Enjoyment will be more complete Java noodles accompanied wedang bajigur, Java and wedang bajigur noodles are a mainstay of the noodle menu kadin. Wedang bajigur itself is made from a mixture of sugar, coffee and ginger, ginger and warm aroma of ginger will warm the body and increase your stamina.
source of http://yogyakarta.panduanwisata.com/